Contributions & Charges 2025

The Government provides a comprehensive education for all students throughout Western Australia and Government funding of schools accounts for a significant part of the State budget. Government funding is provided to schools for the operating costs associated with the education of students, including the provision of salaries for teaching and administrative staff, school buildings and facilities and certain materials.

The financial support of every family plays a major part in providing extra resources that extend the school’s capacity to broaden and extend the learning experience for all students. The quality of the school’s programs is maximized when each family makes its contribution and assists in supplementing funds gained from both State and Commonwealth Governments.

Under the Student Centred Funding model, funding is allocated to schools based on the learning needs of students and school characteristics. It delivers funding for each student enrolled and additional funding for students needing extra support, rather than delivering funding for school types and education programs.

In accordance with requirements of the School Education Act 1999 and School Education Regulations 2000 the Morawa DHS School Board has reviewed and endorsed the schedule of the Contributions, Charges and Personal Items Lists for 2025.

All book list requirements can be found at the back of the contribution and charges lists.