Learning Programs
Morawa DHS offers a comprehensive curriculum K – 12 across the eight learning areas, with a number of specialist programs on offer to ensure students maximise their potential. The WA K-10 Syllabus forms the bases for all teaching and learning programs for the lower and primary school, with the National curriculum being introduced in second semester 2011.
There are flexible Senior School pathways for students wishing to do TEE, TAFE, VET or Instep Mining courses through a scholarship with Karara Mining. This includes students participating in courses through;
- Western Australian College of Agriculture – Morawa RTO 50530 (WACOAM) in;
- AUR20716 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation and,
- MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways.
- School of Isolated and Distance Education RTO 52891 (SIDE) in;
- ICT20115 Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology.
- Central Regional TAFE RTO 52789 (CRTAFE) in;
- SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations.
Underlying everything that we do at Morawa DHS, is an ethos of care and moral purpose. This is supported by the student services team and the pastoral care program.
Our priority areas are Literacy, Numeracy, and Student Health and Wellbeing, which were set by School Council and staff late in 2010. School programs include;
- a school based specialist brass and class music program;
- Getting it Right Literacy and Numeracy Specialist teachers;
- Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme [ITAS];
- Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal School Based Traineeships;
- Profile Funded TAFE courses;
- LOTE French;
- Horsemastership;
- English;
- Science;
- Society and Environment;
- Mathematics;
- Design and Technology [Metal and Wood];
- Performing and Visual Arts;
- Technology and Enterprise;
- Information, Communications and Technology;
- Resources and Infrastructure;
- Health and Physical Education.
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