Morawa Community Resource Centre
The Morawa Community Resource Centre delivers a range of services and programs ranging from training courses; fee for service activities such as photocopying, videoconferencing and internet access; to community project development and management.
Morawa Community Resource Centre
Morawa Youth Centre
The Morawa Youth Centre was opened in August 2009, and since its opening has been well patronised by the local youth of Morawa. The Youth Centre provides the youth of the community with a space that is specifically for them. The Centre is currently open three nights a week and offers a mixture of both structured and more informal ‘drop-in’ sessions. The Youth Centre also runs a structured school holiday program full of fun activities and excursions. The Morawa Youth Centre is provided by the Shire of Morawa as a free community service.
The Morawa Youth Centre works in conjunction with the Morawa District High School and supports the use of its facility by the School at all times. The Youth Centre staff open their doors to school groups for special workshops, reward days, leadership programs, discos, and other activities both during and after school. The Community Youth Development Officer regularly applies for grant funding to run special projects, and coordinates these projects with the School, so that the students have the opportunity to be involved in these projects.
Click here to visit the Youth Centre web site.